Haibun: A Writer’s Guide is Now Available

by Dave Russo

. . . how to read, write, and delight in this dynamic hybrid form . . .

Haibun: A Writer’s Guide, edited by Roberta Beary, Lew Watts, and Rich Youmans, is now available on Amazon and from the publisher in the UK, Ad Hoc Fiction.

“Haibun—the ancient Japanese form combining haiku and prose—has, over the past decades, been adopted and adapted by writers worldwide. Haibun: A Writer’s Guide is the first book-length exploration of haibun’s evolution, and reveals how to read, write, and delight in this dynamic hybrid form. It includes:

• An in-depth look at how haibun’s three elements—title, prose, and haiku—work together to create epiphanies.

• A brief history of English-language haibun.

• A review of how writers are pushing the boundaries of the form without losing its essence.

• 35 prompts and exercises for writing haiku and haibun.”

—From the book flyer, which you can download here.

Roberta Beary is the long-time editor of haibun for Modern Haiku. Here they are on a ginko at Haiku Holiday in 2011. For more about Roberta, see their website.

Lew Watts is a featured contributor and commentator on Contemporary Haibiun Online. Here’s Lew at Haiku North America 2019 in Winston-Salem.

Rich Youmans is the Editor in Chief of Contemporary Haibiun Online. I manage the platform for CHO, but Rich assembles each issue and gives it a distinct look.