The closest international airport is Piedmont Triad International Airport (GSO). GSO is 30 minutes from Winston-Salem. We suggest that you hire a shuttle, cab, or rental car to get to and from your hotel in Winston-Salem. The drive from GSO will take from 15 to 30 minutes. A shuttle or cab should cost between $40.00 and $45.00.
For details about transportation options, see the Transportation page on the GSO Web site. The conference hotel (the Hawthorne Inn ) does not have a private shuttle, so it is not listed on the airport's transportation page. Not to worry. You can hire a shuttle to take you there.
GSO would be the better choice for most people, but some of you might want to check Raleigh-Durham International Airport (RDU). RDU is about 2 hours from Winston-Salem, so it is not close. Of course you would have to rent a car.
You will want to come to the City Transfer Center at 100 West 5th Street, which is seven blocks from the Hawthorne Inn. Cabs are thick in that area; it is the main terminal for city buses and Greyhound buses.
D. Claire Gallagher at HNA 2005