Early Deadline: July 16, 2007 (your submissions are guaranteed inclusion)
Final Deadline: August 1, 2007 (your submissions will be included if possible)
All who register for Haiku North America 2007—both full and single-day registrants—are encouraged to submit up to five previously unpublished haiku or senryu, of which at least one will be selected for inclusion in the anthology if received in time.
The volume will be coedited by Michael Dylan Welch and Lenard D. Moore, and published by Press Here.Please e-mail up to five previously unpublished haiku or senryu to Michael Dylan Welch at WelchM@aol.com with the subject heading of "HNA Anthology Submission."
As noted on our Fees page, one copy of the conference anthology is included with Full registration. Otherwise a copy can be purchased for $8.00.
HNA Conference Anthologies