Lenard D. Moore and the University of Mount Olive Jazz Band: Thu April 06 2017

by Dave Russo

NCHS executive chairman Lenard D. Moore will perform with the University of Mount Olive jazz band in Chapel Hill.

The UNC web site says: “The University of Mount Olive Jazz Band, directed by Dr. William Ford, will perform classic jazz standards.  Discover the essentials of jazz music improvisation and techniques combined with the poetic voice as a jazz instrument. Poet, essayist, and playwright Lenard Moore is Associate Professor of English at the University of Mount Olive.”

Thursday April 6
From 5:30 pm – 7:00 pm
Love House & Hutchins Forum
410 E. Franklin Street
Chapel Hill, NC 27514

For more information, see: http://south.unc.edu/event/motp-moore-umo-jazz/