Another Lost Boat: Poems and Haibun by Glenn Coats

by Dave Russo

Another Lost Boat is another fine collection by NCHS member Glenn Coats, available on Amazon.

Glenn writes:

“I hope you enjoy the collection which was initially called “Tarnished By Sea.” I wrote the haiku first. For a year, I kept a journal with that title on my desk and slowly added haiku. The free verse poems followed with a focus on being alone by the water. “Another Lost Boat” ends with haibun, some of which came from journal entries while others were written specifically with the new title in mind. The one haibun which is called “Another Lost Boat” comes from stories my father recently told me about his time during World War II. I had never heard the stories before.”

Richard Straw writes:

“What makes Another Lost Boat: Poems so appealing is that each of its five sections stands alone with its pieces linked and interrelated, yet its five main sections also support each other to tell an overall, or overarching, narrative. The book is like an anthology of linked, well-crafted chapbooks.”