This was a project of voice. We’ve all done workshopping, submitted to journals, and the like. Much less commonly do we have the chance to receive feedback on a body of our work, or to give it. Our goal was to give this gift to each other, as we wrote, “to help the poet to see themselves.” This page presents several of the poets and their perspectives. For more about this project, see Matt Snyder’s introduction.
Kate MacQueen

Kate MacQueen is a retired anthropologist and public health researcher. Since the mid-1990s she has written and published haiku, senryu, haibun, and tanka. She lives and writes along New Hope Creek in the North Carolina Piedmont.
Susan Polizzotto

When not writing haiku, Susan can be found teaching and practicing shodõ (Japanese calligraphy) at home or in her studio at Art Exposure in Hampstead. In 2019, she was the Carl Sandburg Writer-in-Residence in Flat Rock. She has translated 130 haiku of Chiyo-ni, an Edo-period haiku master, into English and looks forward to finding a publisher.
Dave Russo

From a hollow log in the mountains of North Carolina, Dave manages websites for the North Carolina Haiku Society, The Haiku Foundation, Haikupedia, and contemporary haibun online. Other projects include and The Coach Gaither Story.
Matt Snyder

Gardener, runner, poet; NC by way of DC and IN. Matt writes in witness of the now, the momentary nature of haiku and writing practice helps him to be present, observant, and appreciative. More of his writing at Pittsboro Pine Press.
Richard Straw

Richard Straw is a retired technical report editor who is originally from the State of Ohio. He has been trying to write little poems for most of his life.
Gideon Young

Gideon Young is a member of the Carolina African American Writers’ Collective, the Carrboro Poets Council, and the Orange County Arts Commission advisory board. He is a Fellow for A+ Schools of North Carolina, a stay-at-home dad, and the North Carolina Poetry Society’s 2025 & 2026 Gilbert-Chappell Distinguished Poet for the Eastern North Carolina Region. Discover more at
Robert Letters

Robert Letters is a poet, songwriter, and educator who has published numerous peer-reviewed papers and nine volumes of poetry. The latest, Dry Grass, was released in June 2024. His album, Make Me Believe, was released in 2015 on Hondo Mesa Records. More of Robert’s work can be found at